Can You Imagine Your Miracle? 

I wonder how many of us long for a miracle? A breakthrough moment for ourselves or someone we love. Maybe you don’t believe in miracles or maybe you have never seen one. Sometimes we get out of the habit of asking for miracles because we rely too much on modern life; the convenience of science and technology creates obstacles for our belief that God can help us. Equally we can get sidetracked wondering whether God cares about situation enough to do something about it.  

Recently my thinking has been challenged on this topic. In John 20:30 we’re told that 

 “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.” 

This made me wonder what the other signs and miracles might have been? What did Jesus do that isn’t recorded in the gospels? It stretched my imagination as I pondered on what else Jesus may have done to restore people’s lives and bring hope. For us, this verse is an open invitation to dream with Jesus and to ask him for his vision for our lives.  

It’s often the case that we have no idea how Jesus will solve our problems; if we knew what he was going to do, there would be no element of wonder and awe at his authority over the situation. Handing the issue over to him, removes our control and leads us into a deeper level of trust with him. Our faith grows and our relationship with Jesus deepens as we surrender to him.  

There are personal miracles that I have waited decades to see happen, and this invitation to imagine how Jesus might work to bring restoration has reignited my hope and trust in him. It also involves opening up to possibilities and changing my mindset so that I’m allowing God to work in my life. Obedience also opens doors for Jesus to do more in lives; our “yes” to something unusual or even mundane can lead to far greater things.  

So my challenge to you is: what miracle are you going to imagine today? 

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